DIY Candy house Gift Box |paper craft tutorial|

Cute Little Candy House
Gift Wrapping Idea

Kids always need attention,care and engagement from their parents when they spend time at home during their vacations or holidays. It is best to keep them involve in activities like computer, diy projects and art n craft. Playing with colors,brush, playdough and craft paper is always a fun as well as a great way to learn new things. 
Cute Little Candy House is actually a  gift box for special occasions like birthday parties, Christmas or any other special event. You can put chocolate, candies and toffees within this card paper house and it will make the receiver much happy.

You can keep this house as it on a wreck or table or hang on the wall with a little modification. In any way, it will look great.
Things You Need!
Card Paper: Any color of your choice 12x12 Inches
Poster Color to paint cloudes: Blue color
White sheet: 1/2 A4 paper
Punch for holes
Ribbon to tie

watch video how to create a candy house quite easily at home. 
