Tiny Cristmas tree with quilling art.

Make a Tiny Beautiful Christmas tree with Quilling Art

As the eve of Christmas is drawing near, people are getting more and more busy in preparations to celebrate the biggest event of the year 2018. Men,women and children all are enthusiastic to make this day memorable with their dear ones, family and friends.The main focus of preparations is arranging and decorating a Christmas tree.Here in this tutorial, we have designed a tiny cutey Christmas tree with quilling art.
This is quite interesting and easy to make Christmas tree.
You would certainly love to make it.
Things you need:
Paper: Green & brown (or quilling strips of the same colors)
A few beads
A leaf motif(You can draw and make with any strip of paper)
start making leaved

After preparing a number of leaves, make a base with brown card paper and start adjusting prepared leaves one by one with the help of glue.

When finished, add some beads here and there.
You are done!
