Turn Cake Stand into a Cute wreath:Best out of waste

Make a Cute flowery Wreath with Cake Stand

Hey Friend! all of you are familiar with the cake stand,remnants of your birthday,wedding,anniversary or party cake. 
Don't just through it.
Now be ready to make the use of this useful wasted material.
Wash and dry it and follow these instructions:
Things You Need:
Use Cake Stand
Color papers: Cream,Hot Pink& white. 
                         Draw a circle and cut it with the help of knife (or cutter whatever you like)
                         Draw  pattern of flower petal on the paper in two sizes and cut the same.
                         Draw another pattern for the middle part of flower on white paper and cut.

                Prepare flowers like this way and glue them.(Watch video for full tutorial)
                                              Glue prepared flowers on the cake stand.
                                               Cut to pieces of ribbon.
                                               Make a ribbon bow and glue on the prepared wreath
Your DIY wreath is ready.
Hang it any where.
